Besides academic subjects, RES focuses on social and emotional learning. Can you identify these emotions: curious, frustrated, jealous, and delighted?
over 4 years ago, Jill Bartash
Our School Store fundraiser continues to support RES classrooms! Two boxes of goodies arrived this week! Check out some of the cool new materials our kids will get to use!
over 4 years ago, Jill Bartash
School Store
Happy belated birthday, Shawn, from your friends at RES! Enjoy your book!!
over 4 years ago, Jill Bartash
Inspired by the snow day? Plan for Winter Family Fun Day at Mount Blue State Park on February 1st! Get out and have some winter fun!
over 4 years ago, Jill Bartash
Winter fun
It's that time of year...nominations are now open for Maine Teacher of the year! YOU can nominate one of our outstanding teachers!
over 4 years ago, Jill Bartash
Teacher of the Year
Happy birthday, RES readers! Cold days are perfect for snuggling up with a book!
over 4 years ago, Jill Bartash
Birthday books
Birthday books 2
RSU #10 is currently looking for plots of land in the Rumford and Mexico area for a site suited for construction of a Department of Education approved school building. Please click link for details:
over 4 years ago, Director of Buildings, Grounds, and Transportation
Mrs. Kate has been back at RES introducing new fruits and veggies! Jayden figured out this was a beat in the bag just by feeling it! (Spoiler alert: Mr. L and Mrs. B didn’t!!) 😆
over 4 years ago, Jill Bartash
Staff Spotlight on: Mr. Ricci and Mrs. Frisbie!
over 4 years ago, Jill Bartash
Mrs. Frisbie
RES starts each day with classroom morning meetings. Look at Mrs. Coulombe’s class making connections (literally and figuratively)!
over 4 years ago, Jill Bartash
Morning meeting
RES Kindergarteners are learning stick skills! You should see them dribble!
over 4 years ago, Jill Bartash
On the move
It's PTO night at RES! We hope to see you there at 6pm in the library!
over 4 years ago, Jill Bartash
Happy New Year, from RES pre-k!
over 4 years ago, Jill Bartash
Happy New Year
RVHCC/RVR is partnering with Rumford Hospital on Jan 13th from 4-5pm, to present the dangers of vaping. This is an educational opportunity for all to learn more about the history of vaping, the risks and impact on it has on our youth.
over 4 years ago, RSU10 Notification
dangers of vaping
We only have 10 students absent in our whole school today! Way to go, RES!!!
over 4 years ago, Jill Bartash
ALL of our RES second graders are HERE today!! Way to show up, second grade!!! (We also have 6 other classes with perfect attendance!)
over 4 years ago, Jill Bartash
gr 2
Every once in a while, Mrs. Bartash gets to teach! She and Mrs. Bulger taught math together in Mrs. Curato’s class. Ask our kindergarteners about the many different ways you can make 8!
over 4 years ago, Jill Bartash
Mrs B
RES Student of the Month lunches!
over 4 years ago, Jill Bartash
Stop Means Stop! School Bus Safety.
over 4 years ago, RSU10 Update
RES Students of the Month Assembly for December was a huge success! Congratulations to the Students of the Month and our Perfect Attendance t-shirt winners, Lee and Brielle! Also, Mrs. Mazza’s class will have a pizza party on Monday as the class with the best attendance: 98.46%! Mrs. Curato’s class was right behind with 98.38% and will have ice cream today!
over 4 years ago, Jill Bartash