June 24th, 2020 Budget Keynote - Deb Alden, Superintendent - https://5il.co/hmgm
almost 4 years ago, Brian Carrier, Director of Technology
July 24th, 2020 Budget Keynote - Deb Alden, Superintendent - https://5il.co/hmgm
almost 4 years ago, RSU10 Notification
Creating Maine Learning Platform https://5il.co/hgrj
almost 4 years ago, Deb Alden
WFKA Alive and Well! Join our Summer fun!! https://5il.co/hfjd
almost 4 years ago, Deb Alden
RSU 10 Covide-19 Update https://5il.co/hfj6
almost 4 years ago, Deb Alden
WFKA Alive and Well!! It was an incredibly busy school year and soon after remote learning began, we managed to deliver STEM materials and books to all 90 of our Afterschool students in order for them to continue participating in a Virtual Afterschool Program! We are now gearing up for a fun-filled Virtual Summer Camp from July 20th-August 13th. Students participating in our Virtual Summer Camp will have the opportunity to participate in a series of virtual programs including 3D Printing, Coding, STEM, Art, Keyboard/Piano Lessons, Ukulele Lessons, Yoga, Video Blogging, and Book Groups. Programs are free, however, donations are encouraged to help us sustain our program. All materials to participate in these programs will be supplied; keyboards and ukuleles can be borrowed for a refundable deposit of $25. We are extremely excited to be able to offer these programs to our RSU 10 Kindergarten through 4th grade students and hope that students will sign up to participate! If you are interested in signing your child/children up, please fill out the registration form. Our Kindergarten-1st Grade Registration form can be accessed at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1XRorFwddbwPFKPKA2qNPWwRy_JYg7h9qcz5f_sUAsjA/edit and our 2nd-4th Grade form at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScdSGZ4esup7R0Sy9X90SXjMk1hliUawWXlPZK8i8zpbrR2rA/viewform?fbclid=IwAR0iGEORAtlBTZPR7wrp7OLXGLAJ8mq_W8PXdoRSHNVJixZ0IxKm3skaSmI. Space is limited and registration will close on June 30th. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Miki Skehan at (207) 418-1566 or mskehan@rsu10.org.
almost 4 years ago, Deb Alden
In honor of Juneteenth and the work that we, in the RSU 10 community, must do!! Let's learn and improve together...please take a moment to read the following https://5il.co/he67
almost 4 years ago, Deb Alden
Summer Meal Delivery Schedule may be found here: https://5il.co/hbh3
almost 4 years ago, RSU10 Notification
View our June 2020 Budget Newsletter!! https://5il.co/h8xp
almost 4 years ago, RSU10 Notification
MDOE Framework for Return to Classroom Instruction: https://bit.ly/2YqjFxj
almost 4 years ago, RSU10 Notification
District Parent/Family Survey https://bit.ly/30J0vFV
almost 4 years ago, RSU10 Update
RSU 10 Update 6-10-20 https://youtu.be/hXuZQQg0HTI
almost 4 years ago, Deb Alden
Special Thank You to all of our RSU 10 Bus Drivers/Custodians for honoring our Seniors AND bringing positivity to RSU 10!! Way to go!
almost 4 years ago, Deb Alden
Thank a teacher!🤗
about 4 years ago, Deb Alden
In recognition of May 1, 2020 being designated National School Lunch Heroes Day, Governor Janet Mills and the Department of Education have created a special thank you video for school nutrition teams, volunteers and all school staff across Maine. https://youtu.be/vY1wKGXAfdI
about 4 years ago, RSU10 Notification
Like & Follow our School Resource Officer, Doug Maifeld https://www.facebook.com/sromaifeld
about 4 years ago, Brian Carrier, Director of Technology
about 4 years ago, RSU10 Notification
Please find the latest RSU 10 Update at this link...Welcome May!! https://5il.co/frts
about 4 years ago, Deb Alden
Hello from Meroby! We are looking forward to reconnecting with our students tomorrow. New learning will start so it’s very important for all students to engage with their teachers as much as possible. Please let your child’s teacher or call Meroby if you need anything. Let us know so we can help.
about 4 years ago, Kimberly Fuller
Distance Learning Spirit Week Day 5! Thanks to all of the organizers and participators! Remember next week is April Break. Thanks to our nutrition, custodial staff and volunteers, meals will still be served on Tuesday and Friday 4/21 and 4/24! Take care everyone!
about 4 years ago, Deb Alden